Sustainable Agriculture

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 Eric Lichtfouse, Mireille Navarrete, Philippe Debaeke, Véronique Souchère And Caroline Alberola 978-90-481-2665-1 springer 2009
889 English
Agronomy for sustainable development Biodiversity Climate change Farming system Food Organic farming Pest control Pesticide Soil Sustainable agriculture Water



 Sustainability rests on the principle that we  must meet the needs of the present without compro
mising the ability of future generations to meet their  own needs. Starving people in poor nations, obesity  in rich nations, increasing food prices, on-going cli mate changes, increasing fuel and transportation costs,  flaws of the global market, worldwide pesticide pollution, pest adaptation and resistance, loss of soil fertility and organic carbon, soil erosion, decreasing biodiversity, desertification, and so on. Despite unprecedented  advances in sciences allowing us to visit planets and  disclose subatomic particles, serious terrestrial issues  about food show clearly that conventional agriculture
 is no longer suited to feeding humans and preserv ing ecosystems. Sustainable agriculture is an alterna tive for solving fundamental and applied issues related  to food production in an ecological way [Lal (2008)  Agron. Sustain. Dev. 28, 57–64]. While conventional  agriculture is driven almost solely by productivity  and profit, sustainable agriculture integrates biological, chemical, physical, ecological, economic and social sciences in a comprehensive way to develop new  farming practices that are safe and do not degrade our  environment. To address current agronomical issues  and to promote worldwide discussions and cooperation  we implemented sharp changes at the journal Agron
omy for Sustainable Development from 2003 to 2006.  Here we report (1) the results of the renovation of the  journal and (2) a short overview of current concepts of  agronomical research for sustainable agriculture. Considered for a long time as a soft, side science, agronomy is rising fast as a central science because current  issues are about food, and humans eat food. This report is the introductory article of the book Sustainable  Agriculture, volume 1, published by EDP Sciences and  Springer (Lichtfouse et al., 2009, this book).

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