loginAccording to the 2015 National Agricultural Census, there are 204,597 households, of which 87.2% were reported to keep livestock as part of their livelihood strategies. Of those who keep livestock, 25.9% rear goats. According to the census, there are 2,068,789 animals raised, of which 7.7% are goats. Livestock farming, particularly rearing of goats (Capra hircus) is traditionally done by rural people in Timor-Leste, mainly for meat consumption and for traditional ceremonies. Goats can be infected with various diseases. One of the diseases is Trichuriasis caused by Trichuris ovis. Trichuris ovis is a member of the nematode superfamily Trichuroidea. The adult is shaped like a whip and therefore it is often called whipworm. The eggs are thick-walled and barrel-shaped, about 50 µm long, with a plug at each pole (Silva and Cooper 2011).