Mobility and Environment

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Corrado Poli 978-94-007-1219-5 Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York 2011



I synthesize ideas drawn from professional consulting, political activity, and independent studies, as well as research and teaching I completed over thirty years in Europe, Australia and the US I also reconnect with the very intense seven year period I spent at Fondazione Lanza in Padua, Italy, during which, as Project Director, I promoted international studies and research on the political and ethical aspects of the environmental crisis.1 The more recent origin of my research goes back to 2005, when I was asked by the University of Bergamo, Italy, to direct the Environmental Communication Laboratory at the Department of Communication, Language Science and Cultural Studies. Drafts of this essay have been used by students who graduate with Public Communication B.A. and M.A. degrees. A number of ideas reported in the book came from classes and seminars. I am grateful to my students for their active and enthusiastic participation. Part of the research and the writing was completed at the Johns 
Hopkins University Institute for Policy Studies where I spent the 2007 spring semester in the International Urban Fellows Program on a fellowship awarded by Compagnia di San Paolo, Torino, Italy. I returned to Johns Hopkins in 2008 as a Visiting Professor at the Department of German and Romance Languages, invited by Pier Massimo Forni. Having been part of the Johns Hopkins International Urban Fellows Program since 1979, I knew how valuable my time in Baltimore would be. Sandra Newman, at 
that time Director of the Institute, encouraged me to pursue my research goals and provided me with all the necessary academic support and precious advice

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